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How I Use A Jade Roller And Gua Sha Stone With Acne Prone Skin

Hey beauties! I'm back with a really cool, yet informative blog post about my skincare routine and how it has benefitted from using a jade roller and gua sha stone. But first, let's start with a quick disclaimer.

Creative Contour By Carla is posing in a photo holding a makeup brush to the camera

DISCLAIMER: I am a licensed esthetician and working makeup artist. I've done plentiful research and tested this method in my own skincare routine. While this method works for me, it may not guarantee the same results for anyone else. If you are having trouble in your own skincare routine, please visit a practicing esthetician and have a facial with a full skin analysis to find the best routine for you!

Phew, now that we got that little disclaimer out of the way, onto the good stuff!

First, let's start with jade rollers.

Jade rollers are said to have originated sometime around the 17th century, during the Qing Dynasty. They were an essential part of beauty routines amongst Chinese elites. The reasoning behind this is because Jade is said to have a special ability to heal and soothe.

In my routine:

I like to use my jade roller first in my routine. I lightly massage it onto clean dry skin first, then follow with the same motion to massage serum into the skin.

Once that is done, then it's time to use the gua sha stone!

Creative Contour By Carla is using a makeup brush to apply foundation.

Next up: Gua Sha Stone!

The gua sha stone originated from Ancient Chinese medicine. It was considered a healing practice that essentially would massage the body in order to reduce symptoms and side effects of certain illnesses.

The practice of gua sha supports the idea that friction boosts circulation. The friction will help improve blood circulation, can improve fine lines and wrinkles temporarily, relieve muscle tension, and promote lymphatic drainage.

Creative Contour By Carla is applying makeup to the mother of the bride on the wedding day.

In my own routine:

In my own skincare routine, the gua sha stone has proven to be very beneficial. Gua Sha is so beneficial for me in my own skincare routine because it helps most with lymphatic drainage for my skin type. I have a type 3 acne-prone skin with my worst breakouts being hormonal. What this means is that when I have an acne breakout, it is caused by hormones around my menstrual cycle, with most of my acne showing up generally around my jawline. Gua sha has really helped reduce a lot of the swelling associated with my breakouts. The swelling is caused by a clear liquid under the skin called lymph. When I use the gua sha stone, it helps move the lymph along, so it doesn't get stuck under pimples. This method helps prevent hormonal acne from becoming large and swollen.

I use my gua sha stone twice per day, 4-5 days per week. My goal is to make it to all 7 days, but sometimes life just gets in the way!

But overall, I've found that I've seen a huge change in my acne and skin as a result of using my jade roller and gua sha stone. The methods used with these tools have really made a difference in my skin. My skin stays clearer for longer periods of time, sometimes even during hormonal breakouts. I've also noticed that when I do have breakouts, there is generally less swelling as well. This is such a big deal for me and my skin because I've always had severe acne and lots of breakouts, since puberty. Now at age 30, I am just starting to get a hold of it, and the jade roller and gua sha stone together really help make a huge difference.

Just to give you all an idea: I started implementing the jade roller and gua sha stone into my regular routine in December of 2021. It's now early May 2022, and I am just starting to see consistent results. I want to remind all of you that consistency is key in your skincare routine. As you can see, it took almost 6 months of consistency to start seeing results. You also want to make sure that you are staying consistent in your routine, in order to maintain the beautiful results! And believe me, I know it's a lot of work to maintain great skin. Just keep staying dedicated once you find a routine that works for you, and you will see results, I promise!!

Here is a video of how I implement the jade roller and gua sha tone into my skincare routine:

If you have any questions on how to use these tools, feel free to book a makeup class with me and I will help you out!

Lots of love and lipstick,


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