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Is Makeup Bad For The Climate?

Updated: Jan 1

Hey beauties, welcome back to Creative Contour By Carla ®! Today, I'm discussing with you a pretty heavy, yet important topic. I want to discuss with you all things makeup and climate change. So let me get to the point: is makeup bad for the climate? The answer: yes. And while that is really hard to accept, it is absolutely the truth. The beauty industry drives consumerism heavily. The more new products come out, the more plastic and chemicals that are being put out into our world, the air, and the ocean. It is harmful, but we can make changes to still wear makeup while we adapt to climate change.

makeup on the table

So what changes can we make in order to still wear makeup during the climate crisis?


It's clear that the beauty industry as a whole is not going to stop producing plastic packaging anytime soon, so with that comes a lot of extra trash. We can learn how to properly recycle beauty packaging, and advocate that we expand beauty recycling be fully expanded. We also need to hold all beauty companies accountable to the fact that they are polluting our earth, and to create a full cycle option to prevent future pollution at all levels.

I'm an ambitious dreamer, and I truly believe that as humans we can come together and achieve this!


Speaking of holding the beauty industry accountable! We need to make sure we hold the entire beauty industry accountable, as they tend to sell us a lot of insecurity, pay influencers to sell us product, and more. They will tell us that every single product out there is magic and that we urgently need it. Here's the truth: you don't need 98% of what they tell you you need. You end up buying a whole bunch of items that you probably don't even use!

I genuinely believe in the future we will have a more conscious way of shopping in the future. I'd like to hope it is sooner rather than later, but that will take humanity as a whole to come together and agree on.


Phew, beauties, this will be a tough one, I'm sorry! Regulation in the beauty industry is tough worldwide. Everyone says one thing is good, and then tomorrow it is bad. The regulation in the United States alone is somewhat structured, but falling behind compared to our international counterparts. There are loopholes in regulation all over the world, and we as consumers can only try our best to understand what is going on.

We as consumers need to push our governments and the beauty industry as a whole to come together and use ingredients that are safe for us, and provide proper, science-backed education on those very ingredients. They should not be cutting corners and then recalling items later, just to make a higher profit. We as consumers deserve the best quality products that are safe for us to use and do not cause additional harm to our earth.

applying makeup

How can you advocate for all of the above?

Start local

Advocating locally with your neighbors, peers, and local government is the best start! Advocate locally to make sure that the beauty industry creates more climate-friendly products in your local stores, shops, and beauty salons. Do a little research into small businesses and causes that are passionate about this level of advocacy and support them. Sometimes that is making a purchase at a small business, or writing letters and making phone calls.

There are also grassroots communities that you can support in the same way.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Spend your hard-earned money with companies who are dedicated to creating a full-cycle option, with no more trash hurting our planet. Companies who have values that align with yours. Sephora doesn't need your entire paycheck. It's perfectly fine to also shop smaller brands at local markets!


Use your beautiful voice. Call your government officials at all levels, advocate for regulation. Have your communities call, too! Once a lot of people call government officials on the same topic, they have to at least start something. And don't give up until they are advocating for your cause.

Your Skills and Connections

Use any skills that you have to help your communities advocate for a better world in the beauty industry. What kind of connections do you have in your community? Working together will ensure we all get a beneficial result!

Beauties, I know this isn't my usual type of content, but this is important and we should all be advocating for healing and saving our earth! She is our only home and she deserves to be healed and cared for. If you or anyone you know would like some help in your advocacy or even some guidance, I am always here! Just contact me through my contact page and explain exactly how you'd like my assistance. I am here to help!

Lots of love, lipstick, and a healing earth,


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