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Summer Makeup Tips!

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

Hey beauties! I am back and very excited! As is tradition in New England, Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer! And for those of you who do not know this, summer is my absolute favorite season! So let's jump into some easy AF tips on how to look great this summer!!

So first of all, you should wear SPF every single day (even when it's not summer time)! I recommend wearing SPF 30 daily. It's provides decent protection against daily sun damage. This goes for all skin tones. Everyone needs protection from sun damage!! Okay beauties, let's jump into my easy AF summer makeup tips!!

Sweat a lot? Matte it out!

Beauties, summer time in New England means hot and humid weather! So how does one create a long-lasting makeup look in such a climate? I recommend using a matte foundation formula. Yes, it does leave a matte finish on the skin, but when you are sweating a lot, it lasts longer and will help absorb some of the sweat! Eventually, you will see a sweaty shine, but the formula won't budge!

I know this formula isn't necessarily ideal for all. However, in our summer climate, it really does work wonders!!

If you do not like a matte foundation formula, a great alternative is to use a setting powder!

Bronzer Is Your Friend

Beauties, bronzer provides some warmth in your makeup look. After you apply your bronzer, you will look like you just came back from vacation! Bronzer is now widely available for every skin tone under the sun! I love using bronzer in the summertime because it leaves this beautiful, warm vibe on the skin.

It also helps you look tan without the sun damage!!

Glow On Glamazon

Beauties, I know that not everyone wants a matted finish. There are lots of you who want glow!!! My easiest tips on how to glow on all summer are: 1. use skincare and makeup products that are very hydrating, and 2. finish your makeup look with your favorite highlighter!

Check out my latest YouTube Video that discusses this very topic!

These are some fantastic tips! If you've tried them and still need help, book your FREE 15-minute phone consultation today! I am here to help! And don't forget to wear your SPF!!

Lots of love and lipstick,


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